How2charist Partner Backers
We give great thanks for the 236 Kickstarter supporters who donated money toward filming, editing, and distributing the How2charist! We specifically want to thank our partner backers, those who contributed at the $500+ level. Their support breathed abundant life into this resource.
Dave & Courtenay Smith
Lisa Cressman + Backstory Preaching
Jenn Giles Kemper + Sacred Ordinary Days
Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real
The Episcopal Church in Minnesota
Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island
Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
Christ Church Cathedral
Cincinnati, Ohio
Christ Church
Charlotte, N.C.
St. Mary's Kerrisdale
Vancouver, B.C.
St. James Episcopal Church
Birmingham, Mich.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Overland Park, Kan.
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Charleston, S.C.
St. Thomas' Episcopal Church
St. Petersburg, Fla.